23 Aug 2013

Police Urge Peace Over Killing Of Okada Rider In Lagos

Following the killing of a commercial motorcyclist popularly known as Okada rider in Ikorodu area of Lagos by a policeman attached to the Rapid Response Squad (RRS) that triggered series of protests in the state, the Lagos Police command has appealed for peace in the state.

 The State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Umar Abubakar Manko, who made the appeal while briefing journalists after the weekly State Security Council meeting chaired by Governor Babatunde Fashola, said the most appropriate thing to do was to allow the law to take its course.

According to him,  “What happened in Ikorodu was that we have a law, a Lagos State law on restriction of movement of commercial motorcycles and some men from the Rapid Response Squad went there to enforce that law and there was misunderstanding between them and the commercial motorcyclists.

 “In the process, the policemen were mobbed and, unfortunately, one of the commercial motorcyclists had a gun injury and later died in hospital. That was yesterday and the authorities took actions to ensure that there was peace around Ikorodu axis.”

Manko explained that the Okada riders regrouped on Wednesday morning and said they wanted to claim the corpse of the dead motorcyclist and also for the authorities to release the injured policeman in the hospital to them, saying, “That, to me, was not proper.”

The commissioner of police, who appealed to the Okada riders not to take laws into their hands added, “If there is misunderstanding between these groups, the most appropriate thing for them is to see what actions can be taken by the heads of these agencies. They should allow the law to take its course.”

He urged residents of Ikorodu to go about their lawful businesses, assuring that the law would be enforced by the police and other security agencies no matter what happens.”

It was gathered that the policeman whose bullet allegedly killed the motorcyclist identified as Olalekan Ajayi has been arrested.

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