23 Aug 2013

Customs Intercepts, Releases Two Helicopters On Lagos Seaport Road

The federal operations unit, Zone A of the Nigeria Customs Service on Thursday intercepted two helicopters on Oshodi-Apapa Expressway, which were being moved from the seaport.

The command's public relations officer, Mr Uche Ejesieme told LEADERSHIP that after inspection of the aircrafts, the anti smuggling unit had to release them as their documents were in order.

He, however, declined to disclose the importers or consignees of the aircrafts.

"We had wanted to impound the helicopters, but we had to release the them after we inspected and found out that their papers were in order," Ejesieme told LEADERSHIP.

Ejesieme said the unit was just doing a routine check when the patrol team acting on a tip-off actually intercepted two trucks carrying the mini crafts.
"We brought them to the unit at Ikeja, but as soon as we went through the clearing documents, we were convinced beyond all reasonable doubt that there were no discrepancies and the Controller FOU Zone A, Compt Nuhu Isa Mahmoud directed immediate release of the aircrafts. As we speak now, they have been released," he said.

He, however, said the command would issue a statement on details of the aircrafts, which he confirmed were being carried to their destination from the seaport.

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