22 Jul 2013

News: Electricity workers suspends strike in South East

The South East Chapter of the National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE) has suspended its week-long strike which paralysed commercial activities in the zone.

The Assistant Secretary-General of the union, Mr Cyprian Akor, said this when he spoke to reporters in Enugu on Monday.

He said the union suspended the strike because of the positive agreement reached between the management of the PHCN and the union.

Akor said a committee had been constituted to work out the modalities for paying the workers’ entitlements. .
He said the strike, which lasted for one week, was aimed at getting the management of PHCN to settle internal debt owed for work done by the staff.

“We have temporarily suspended the action but if they relent in the agreement we reached, we will go back to action.

“What they owe staff; we have reconstituted a committee that will start from today and work in order to pay them from today.

“We will do all we can to cover up the services that we are not able to render during the strike,” Akor said.
He called on the Federal Government to pay the terminal benefits of disengaged PHCN staff before handing the company over to the private sector.

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