27 Aug 2013

OSUN OSOGBO 2013 CELEBRATIONS: Blazing The Trail In Many Salient Areas Of Development

The State of Osun, South-West Nigeria, is the haven of culture and tourism for the entire black race; being the host to the cradle and origin of man. Osogbo, the state capital, has towered prominently as the centre of arts and the headquarters of culture for the South-West.
The grand finale of this year’s edition of the annual International Osun Osogbo Festival was held last Friday. This special edition dedicated to the festival coincides with the twenty-second year anniversary of the State of Osun, named after the identity created by the illustrious river goddess. NIYI OLASINDE’s write-up is as well in commemoration of this latter epoch of the creation of the State of the Virtuous.

AS early as the wee hours of Friday, August 23, 2013,, all had become set for the successful hosting of the mammoth crowd that converged on Osogbo, the capital city of the State of Osun in the South-West geopolitical zone of Nigeria to witness the 2013 grand finale of the eventful and resourceful festival which annually marks the Osun Osogbo International Festival. The annual events of the festival usually span a period of two weeks. This year’s episode, like it does every year, kick-started on Monday, August 12, 2013 with the street cleansing programme which took the paramount monarch of the ancient city, the Ataoja (Ate’wo gb’eja) of Osogbo and his chiefs out of the palace to transverse the stretch of road between the centre of the city to and fro the famous Gbaemu Junction.

Approximately three days later, precisely on Thursday, August 15, the nocturnal ceremony consisting in the lighting of the almost seven-hundred-year-old sixteen-eyed lamp, called Atupa Ol’oju Merindinlogun was held. The details of the ritualistic, spiritual, cultural and tourism importance of these two afore-mentioned significant events are chronicled in other parts of this report. For now, we shall confine ourselves basically to the events which fill the agenda of the year 2013 episode of the festival.

We place on record that since the Iwopopo event of August 12; Osogbo the state capital had transformed into a beehive of activities, as private individuals, tourists, public-spirited dignitaries, lovers of culture, tourism, recreation and traditions, corporate organizations, manufacturing industries and their representatives trooped in en masse to the state to explore and exploit business prospects and opportunities. Even captains of industries of sorts have not been left out in this rush for prosperity, abundance and economic emancipation.

An added value of the network of events and activities is the fact that the composition of the audience which the festival pulls to itself is not confined to our shores alone. From West Africa, the rest of Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia, people trooped in to grace our pride in culture, tourism and recreation. This is not to talk of the United States of America, South and North America and the Caribbean. If the rush and jostle for our own indigenous culture could be this monumental, OSUN DEFENDER Magazine finds the duty irresistible to defy all constraints, barriers or limitations to ask why we, the owners of this fond heritage would stand askance and aloof from giving it the necessary pride of place it deserves. Hence, we dedicate this space and the whole of the time it took or required for its writing and readership to this fond legacy and the sweet memories of our forebears who bequeathed it to us.

It has been boldly and prominently visible for all to see how various other programmes and events have been attracted into town in the last fortnight simply because the celebration of the Osun goddess was in the air. Hotels, motels, parks and gardens and other recreational facilities in the entire state and other neighbouring places received bloating boost. Sales and patronage on articles of various sorts witnessed a fillip. In short, commerce and industry in the state witnessed robust upsurge.
WITH this astronomical surge in the volume of influx of persons into the city of Osogbo in the past two weeks, it is little or no surprise the high level of hustle-bustle which citizens woke up to witness on the d-day of the grand finale of the International Osun Osogbo Annual Festival. Authentic sources of information at the disposal of OSUN DEFENDER Magazine revealed to us prior to the d-day that, hotels and other forms of hospitality centres within the metropolis of Osogbo the state capital and the adjoining towns had been filled to capacity.

As at 11.30 a.m., all the roads leading to the shrine of the Osun goddess were filled with people and spectators, comprising the adherents of the River Osun goddess, other classes of traditional worshippers, monarchs, royal fathers and traditional chiefs, culture and tourism practitioners, tourism enthusiasts, townspeople of Osogbo and other well wishers from nearby and far-away places. In the throng of people who graced the venue of the occasion, politicians, career persons of sorts, government officials and functionaries, women groups and women societies were not left out. It was also a veritable avenue for cultural troupes, drummers and band groups, socio-cultural organizations, ethnic militia groups, law enforcement agencies and a host of others.

Earlier than that date, the organizers of the series of events culminating into the grand finale, central among which was the Government of the State of Osun had put in place solid arrangements to make the year’s festival unique, memorable and enjoyable, not only in the area of crowd control, but security and other aspects of a crowd-pulling international events of global significance.

We have tirelessly in the past showcased the thrust of the incumbent administration the area of culture, tourism, traditions, hospitality and recreation. We can proudly assert at this stage of events that the state has never had it so good since its creation twenty-two years ago. Our editions in the past have always portrayed the State of Osun as the haven of culture, tourism, hospitality and recreation; and the clear headquarters of arts in the South-West and the entire nation. This position has come out more prominently upon the advent of the incumbent administration in the saddle of leadership.

In the State of Osun, we are blessed with many cultural festivals, tourist centres, recreational facilities and tourist attractions. It is on account of these attractions that thriving hospitality business is currently finding its foothold in the state. More than ever before, cultural tourism is becoming an income earner for the people as it has caused a great boost for the economy. On account of it, a great mammoth crowd is trooping into the state, consisting private individuals, corporate bodies and reputable business organizations bringing in the prospects of their businesses into the state.
This year alone, apart from the Government of the State of Osun, the two local government council areas under the jurisdiction of which the entire Osogbo metropolis falls are collaborators in the sponsorship of the global Osun Osogbo festival. These two local government areas are namely the Olorunda Local Government Council Area and the Osogbo Local Government Council Area. Aside these, there are other corporate sponsors of the events packaged into the world-acclaimed festival. These include the South Africa-based international telecommunications giant, the MTN; the Nigerian Breweries PLC; Grand Oak Nigeria Limited; and the Nigeria Distilleries. Year after year, more sponsors are attracted into the programmes that form the list of event package of the Osun Osogbo International Festival.

Some of the other cultural events, festivals, tourist centres and places of attraction with which the State of Osun is endowed are the famous Olojo Festival in Ile Ife, the Cradle of the entire Black Race; the annual Iwude Ijesa Festival; the Ipedi and Odun Sango festivals in Ede; annual Odun Ade (Crown Display festival) in Ifon Orolu (currently in progress for year 2013); and the annual Oroki Day celebration in Osogbo, the state capital. Some of the tourist attractions and sites of interest which are pulling great crowd to themselves annually include: the famous Ife Bronze, the Oranmiyan Staff, which is believed to be the fighting staff of Oranmiyan, the son of Oduduwa, who was a great warrior; and the Ife Museum.

Others are the Obafemi Awolowo University Zoological Gardens, located on the campus of the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile Ife; Ile Ase; Yeyemolu Shrine and Oduduwa Grove – all in Ile Ife. Others are the Osun Osogbo Sacred Grove, venue of the internationally recognized Osun Osogbo Festival and a UNESCO World Heritage Site; the Adunni Olorisa (Susan Wengers) Centre; Genesis Arts Gallery; Nike Arts Gallery; Jalumi War Site, Inisa Odo Otin; the Olumirin Waterfalls, Erin Ijesa, Igbo Sango in Ede; and the Ayinkunnugba Waterfalls at Oke Ila.

We can go on and on, but since our focus here is to juxtapose all other parallel festivals and cultural cum tourist sites in the State of the Virtuous with the Osun Osogbo; we shall proceed straight to capturing the events which transpired at the just-hosted grand finale of the festival for the current year 2013.

THE OSUN DEFENDER Magazine crew had arrived at the venue of the events marking the grand finale 0of the 2013 Osun Osogbo International Festival as early as 10.00 a.m. As much as possible, we shall endeavour to skip the boring details of events which transpired at the venue prior to the commencement of the programme-proper. One of the most significant features of the 2013 grand finale of the festival, however is the fact that it marked the very first to be attended by Governor Rauf Aregbesola in person since the inception of his administration three years ago. This fact has not been premeditated out of the governor’s hatred or disdain for culture or festivals associated with it. No! It had simply been coincidental that when the toll-taking ceremonies for the festival came calling for 2011 and 2012, the governor was in some other lands attending to some other vital issues of state significance.

Another significant feature of this year’s entire celebration of the festival is the fact that it marked the third in the series over which the reigning monarch, The Ataoja would de presiding as the Chief Celebrant. His Royal Majesty, Oba Jimoh Oyetunji Abidemi Olaonipekun Larooye II, the Ataoja of Osogbo assumed the reins of power around November 2010, after the Osun Osogbo celebrations for the year had been held. That year made it the very first time in the annals of the ancient town; and of course in those of the festival since its inception about seven centuries that the festivities would be held without a sitting monarch. This situation came about owing to the vacancy created by the demise of the Ataoja of the city of about thirty-four years, late Oba Harazeem Iyiola Oyewale Matanmi III, who joined his ancestors on August 5, 2010. Details of happenings at the events for that year are contained in other parts of this report.

Another first recorded at the grand finale for 2013, and probably the most significant, is the fact that the Arugba or the Notre Maid for the occasion, was coming up into the sacred assignment for her very first time! Details of the significance of Arugba to the occasion are also contained in other parts of this report

The events of the day started with the arrival of dignitaries, most significant of which was the arrival of the Chief Celebrant, the Ataoja of Osogbo, who entered the scene of the event on the trail of the Notre Maid, the Arugba. Arugba Osuntomi did the normal visitation of important scenes at the grove as laid down in the traditions establishing the celebrations with grace; before taking her seat under the central pavilion erected for dignitaries at the occasion.

Most significant of the remaining events which preceded the arrival of the Governor and his entourage was the paying of traditional homage and tributes to the Chief Celebrant, the Ataoja. The following categories of people took their turns to file past the front of the monarch, pouring encomiums and prayers on him. He, in turn rained prayers on them. The classes of people, chiefs and subjects include, in their order of ascendancy, the Ilumoyes, the Iyalodes, the Baloguns, the Onifas, the Iyalojas, the Olomo Obas and the Ikolabas. Following this was the league of women of the ruling houses, the Obinrn Ile Larooye and Obinrin Ile Lajomo. It was at that point that the Governor of the State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Adesoji Aregbesola and his entourage arrived at the scene of the occasion.
After the exchange of pleasantries and observance of normal protocols, the governor took his seat and the occasion began in earnest. The National Anthem and the State of Osun Anthem were sung. The State of Osun Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Akinrogun Sunday Akintunde Akere, who stood in for Alhaji Sikiru Ayedun, the state Commissioner for Home Affairs, Culture and Tourism made the welcome remarks.

The Ataoja in his speech was full of gratitude and appreciation to the governor of the State of Omoluabi, who he commended for his people-oriented policies which has touched lives in many positive ways. Rating the numerous achievements of the Government Unusual in vogue in the state, Oba Larooye spelt out twenty solid achievements in different areas like Education, Health, Commerce, Industry and others; stressing that his enumeration touched achievements in Osogbo alone; not to talk of those in other parts of the state. The royal father admitted the fact that he is fortunate to have a governor of the crop of Aregbesola in the fold of progressives to be working with; expressing the optimism that the stage is now set to take Osogbo and the entire state to the glorious heights envisioned in the dreams of the founding fathers of the state. Oba Olaonipekun was full of prayers for the success of the Aregbesola administration, promising the full support of all and sundry and maximum cooperation of his subjects for the administration and its laudable projects. On a final note, the Kabiyesi enjoined his subjects, especially the victims of the past, ongoing and future separation projects in Osogbo and the entire state to accept it with equanimity, viewing it as their own portion of sacrifice for moving the cause of Project Osun forward. Thereafter, a volunteer speech reader read the speech of the monarch, which showcased the full assessment of the numerous achievements of the Government Unusual; not only in the area of culture and tourism, but in all facets of life.

The Governor of the State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Adesoji Aregbesola who was obviously highly elated; could not hide his extreme joy and profound pleasure at being in the midst of the people. Aregbesola identified two distinct aspects of the celebration – the cultural and the religious, stressing that whichever aspects propelled anyone to the occasion was driven by the pride that we have a culture that we should be proud of. He then prayed that all present shall find fulfillment as an aftermath of the occasion.

In furtherance of his speech, Aregbesola, who intermittently burst into cultural songs appreciated culture and tourism as huge revenue earners for advanced economies, just as he expressed the determination of his administration to take Osun to that glorious pedestal amidst the comity of states in the federation and yonder. Promising the people of the state that all that they had seen so far was just a tip of the iceberg; Aregbesola expressed optimism that by the time of the festival’s next celebration, come 2014, and the International Airport project under construction at Ido Osun would have been completed for tourists and attendees to make use of. The message of the governor to the 2011 edition of Osun Osogbo contains full detail of his take on culture and tourism; and it is rolled out in another segment of this report.

CONCERNING the Osun Osogbo goddess, some salient facts are unarguable. First and foremost is the fact that the Osun Osogbo festival has been with us since the founding of the city (Osogbo) itself, and has always been cause for joy and conviviality for the people and a source of spiritual refreshing for thousands of foreigners who come from all over the world every year to participate in it. As it has turned out, Osun and everything attached to it constitute the core of Osogbo and form the archetype of the people. Osun is largely regarded to be the purveyor of fertility, divine favour, healing, protection, creativity and prosperity. Although Osogbo is the home of Osun, the deity is worshipped through all Yorubaland and in the Diaspora. This last development makes the festival unique, as the deity and her potency and efficacy reverberate all through the lands where she is worshipped. Osogbo stands tall as the city remains the proud host of an international festival of ever-increasing fame gravity and grandeur which is fast-turning into a staunch source of wealth for the growing State of Osun, especially, in the present drive toward her growth in the areas of culture recreation and tourism.

It has been observed, wisely, that all forms of socio-cultural developments have some attributes of celebration and thanksgiving to the Almighty God. Osun festival is not an exception in this direction. Festivals, are, therefore, regarded as important socio-cultural means of supplications to the Supreme Being, at most times through His intermediaries according to different individuals beliefs and according to their belief patterns. Consequently, the month of August every year has become a unique month among the people of Osogboland. It is the month of celebration, traditional cleansing of the city and cultural reunion of the people with their great ancestors and founders of the Osogbo kingdom. The celebration of Osun Osogbo Festival is a period of stocktaking and assemblage of all sons and daughters of Osogboland and most especially Yoruba–speaking people both in Nigeria and the Diaspora.
As revealed by existing historical records, literatures and artifacts, the origin of the festival can be described as an account of the legendary encounter between the early settlers/founders of Osogbo with the Osun Osogbo deity. In about 1370AD, the founder of Osogbo, Oba Gbadewolu Larooye and the great hunter Olutimehin, settled in the sacred Osun forest to establish the kingdom and cultivated a pact of association and togetherness with the River Osun deity. Since then, Osogbo has remained a peaceful, progressive and benevolent city without any ravage of war or pestilence. This pact of association, which is rekindled every year in the month of August, is the foundation of a cultural fiesta which has catapulted itself into world recognition as one of the largest tourism attraction in Nigeria. This cultural celebration tagged “Osun Osogbo Festival” has a two-week programme of events starting with the traditional cleansing of the town called Iwopopo, followed by the lightening of the 641-year-old 16-points lamp, three days later, called Atupa Olojumerindinlogun. This is followed by Iboriade some four days later, which is the assemblage of all the crowns of past rulers (Ataojas) for blessings. The Festival’s Grand Finale showcases the cultural procession of the people to the Osun Grove.

Essentially, these activities – with other associated ones – are to springboard cultural tourism development in Osun State and generally in Nigeria. In spite of the influence of Western education and religion, the festival has, to a very large and reasonable extent, maintained its originality, authenticity and acceptability among nations worldwide. The Osun Osogbo was enlisted officially as a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Durban, South Africa to the joy, elation and trepidation of the people and Government of the State of Osun and those of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on July 25, 2005.
Corporate sponsorship and individual’s identification with any of the festival events will therefore be a rare opportunity to advance corporate relations, products and services patronage with the fulfillment of discharging corporate social responsibilities and national obligations to the Osogbo community, the State of Osun, the Government and people of Nigeria. In this connection, involvement, participation, sponsorship and investment in the events show-cased by yearly episodes of the Osun Osogbo Festival have been, on yearly basis, attracted. In other works, the interests and involvement of individuals and corporate organizations in the programme of events have been on the increase, though there is still more room for greater involvement and participation by these sponsors, stakeholders and collaborators to make the events of the festival greater successes than they currently are.

Osun Osogbo sacred grove is an originally organically evolved cultural landscape associated with the Yoruba traditional religion and culture. This sacred grove, of about 75 hectares of rainforest vegetation, harbours over four-hundred species of plant of which two-hundred are found to be of high medical values to the Yoruba people and others alike who believe in its efficacy. This implies that forest is a natural herbal pharmacy. There are also different species of animal living in the Osun River and the natural vegetation of the grove. This dense forest in South Western Nigeria on the outskirts of the city of Osogbo, the capital of the State of Osun, is one of the last remnants of primary high forest in south West Nigeria.

The grove is a highly sacred sanctuary where different shrines, sculptures and art works have been erected to honour, celebrate and remember all the Yoruba deities in the grove. Because the sacred river is a goddess, some mythical and metaphorical significance are attached to her. Inside the grove, lay the origin of the Osogbo ascendancy and kingship institution. As pointed out earlier, festivals for the deity are held in August of every year in the grove to propitiate the Osun goddess and renew the bond of spiritualism and association that was established by the great ancestors and founders of Osogbo.

Also, as pointed out earlier in this write-up, the importance of this river goddess and the series of festivals held in her honour have gone beyond the Yoruba people. It has entered the global almanac of international festivals and the ground on which it is being held is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. On account of its soaring importance and significance; Osogbo has grown phenomenally. From all available sources, it is validated that the State of Osun got her name derived from the deity – the Osun goddess. The creativity inspired by Osun made Osogbo a centre of arts, where indigenous but world renowned artists and artistes emerged. It also attracted arts scholars from all over the world into the city. Thus endowed, Osogbo has become elevated to become the socio-cultural headquarters of the South-West geopolitical zone, that of the entire Yorubaland and by extension, of the entire world. This latter fact makes the Osun monument a heritage worthy of nurture and treasure.

CULTURE has been viewed unanimously across the globe as a veritable vehicle for domestic tourism development. Culture is a key component of the tourism industry.

Culture has been defined as the entire way of life of a people. It encapsulates the whole package of the people’s religion, beliefs and belief patterns, customs, traditions, costumes (dressings), manners and mannerisms, values, codes of conduct, festivals, dances, music, songs, food, drink, history, language, family systems, child-rearing practices, handicraft and hospitality, among others. Culture is very critical to tourism because one of the motivating factors to a destination is to enjoy the cultural peculiarities of the people of the local communities. Most people are attracted either by curiosity or the desire for adventure. The cultural tourism has come to be known as one of the critical segments of the tourism industry within the capacity of attracting variety of audience from different parts of the world to a destination. As a sub-sector of the tourism industry, cultural tourism is defined as a special-interest form of tourism motivated by cultural interest such as a visit to museums, historical sites, festivals and other related cultural events. Cultural fiestas like the Brazilian Carnival, the Northing Hill Carnival in the United Kingdom, Abuja and Calabar carnivals in Nigeria, Osun Osogbo and Argungu International Fishing and Cultural festivals are good examples of cultural events that have attained international prominence.

As a country, Nigeria is richly endowed with uniquely fascinating cultural heritage which can be projected to the international community as attractive tourism products. The conservation of cultural resources and their eventual transformation into tourism products can be the real incentive fair share in the world tourism market. The onus therefore lies on the stakeholders in the tourism and hospitality industry to take advantage of the rich potentials our cultural heritage offers in developing a brand that would appeal to international audience.

Nigeria has very vast, diverse and colourful cultural heritage rich in components like festivals, dances, dresses, arts, crafts, folklore, songs and varying local cuisines all of which combine to add entertainment value to the various cultures. All these could be harnessed and packaged as a brand for promoting recreation in Nigeria.

In nonscientific usage, the term culture also refers to such personal refinements as classical music, the fine arts, world philosophy, festival which are veritable instrument fostering unity, social integration, economic development, entertainment and to a large extent, reduction of crime. Osun Osogbo Cultural Festival could be examined both as a spiritual and historical reenactment. It represents an experience by the Ataoja and his people as well a collective recollection of how modern-day Osogbo town evolved from the primordial grove to the land they occupy at present.
In one of the foundation myths of Osogbo, Olutimehin and Larooye migrated from the Ijesa town of Ipole, driven by drought and famine. It was in the course of the expedition that Osun grove and the reverine flood plains of the Osun River were discovered. Both friends left Ipole with their people to settle within the grove where Larooye who had assumed leadership built the first palace called “Ile-Osun” i.e. house of Osun by the water front. Osun was popular for dyeing clothes, a trade for which Osogbo people are still known today.

It is placed on record how the role of the Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC) in showcasing Osun Osogbo Cultural Festival and also advertising the credentials of Osogbo in the cultural heritage of the black man cannot be overemphasized. No doubt, Osun Osogbo, amidst other 75 festivals had been held under the aegis of the corporation since it began to have a new leadership in August 2006 and, in addition, the Osun Osogbo Festival has since got listed and included on the corporation’s calendar of festivals. In addition to this, it has been acknowledged by the commission that the statistics of attendance, tourist expenditure pattern, tourists’ inflow, hotel occupancy ratio and other concomitant economic effects of the festival on the people of Osogbo have enjoyed continuous analysis by the Corporation for both local and international tourist demands and consumption.

In view of the foregoing, there is no gainsaying the fact that since the Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC) has not left out domestic tourism promotion and since it has not reneged in its effort at taking inventory of Nigeria’s vast tourism resources. Records substantiate it that on a regular basis, inventory of Nigerian’s vast tourism resources have always been taken. This inventory-taking, which includes events and festivals held for Osun Osogbo, is followed by research field trips to these attractions with a view to providing first-hand knowledge and guide on these attractions to curious tourists and Nigerians as well. It is also confirmed from authoritative and impeccable sources that the corporation has always ensured that tourism souvenirs are made available to visiting tourists for their consumption. It is also revealed how, through the efforts of the corporation, the whole world had been drafted into the orbit of the Osun Osogbo cultural festival as the attendance at the festival is always drawn from the seven continents of the world. The implication is that Osun Osogbo Cultural Festival remains the cultural melting pot for blacks and indeed a rallying point for all lovers of culture around the world.

It is an acknowledged fact that the Osun Osogbo Festival provides a veritable platform for reenacting the past in the present thereby bringing into collective and individual memories, the spiritual umbilical cord that links the two locations and episodes in time and space, spiritual and temporal. This is demonstrated through the huge and suffocating procession of indigenes, visitors and tourists in a surging crowd led by the Ataoja and a votary maid (Arugba) from

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