11 Aug 2013

Nigerians Are The Best Dressed People In The World

Mrs Ifeoma Chiedozie Agwu is the owner of Indulge, an outfit where designer’s wears like Gucci, Versace and others are sold for men and women of quality. Kehinde Ajobiewe interviewed her in Abuja, where she talked about how it feels to bring her business back home after spending almost two decades in London.

Can we know more about you?

My husband and I are from Enugu State. I have a 19-year-old daughter and we’ve lived in London for about 20 years, but are trying to come back home. And that is how this boutique came about. I did my primary and secondary school education in Nigeria. I did Hotel Management in Nigeria in the 1980’s until I moved to London in 1994. I also did a bit of training in Security, because we run a security outfit in London, which we have been running for 14 years. I have a certificate in Law (not law degree). I did a bit of acting in 1998 and 1999. I’m into a bit of everything. I’m a very bubbly person who does a lot of business.

Tell us about your business?

The shop started in 2009. I sell men’s and women’s clothings, shoes, bags and anything to do with fashion. We have beautiful designers here, and I really don’t do copies. I buy my things from London and Paris, and anything you buy from Indulge is original. You can find Gucci here, Versace, anything, name it. So, that is why it’s a bit expensive, but you know you are buying good products.

Why fashion?

I love fashion. First of all, I’m a bit creative when it comes to fashion. I really like to dress fine and I love seeing men and women who really take care of themselves. Just like I said earlier, I’m a bit of everything, so to say. My job falls into so many areas, but fashion is one of the things I really love. I love to dress people, I love to see people looking very good.

How did you come about your business name?

Ooh! I’m going to be very honest; it was a friend who came up with the name, and he is a Nigerian movie director. Because I was stuck with a name, he just said “call it Indulge”, and that sounded like heaven for me. Indulge in clothes, indulge in shoes and bags, and that was it.

How does it feel to be back in Nigeria?

I love Nigeria. I can’t wait to be fully back here. I enjoy every bit of it. It is tough, we are not expecting it to be rosy all the time with all the wahala everywhere, but it’s good to be home. And honestly, I sure will be here fully in no time.

Do you think Nigerians are fashionable people?

Absolutely! I would say Nigerians are the best dressed people in the world; they love fashion. If they have the opportunity that the western world has – having access to good clothes – I think they will beat everybody in the world.

Do you have any intention of having your own label in future?

Yes. I’m actually talking to one or two of our designers in Nigeria, because I will love to make Indulge clothing line. I’m in the process of developing that.

Are you getting good patronage, considering the cost of your products?

Our wears are affordable. The place we are now is not very busy and it’s not popular. So, we are selling based on personal contacts. But at least, it’s not bad. If we are not selling, I won’t be here till now, because it has been on for four years now. So, it’s good.

How supportive is your family?

Everybody is always here. When I’m not around, my husband comes to sit here with the staff. He is very supportive. And my daughter; obviously, when she is in the country, loves being here. She is here now. She models for me and I also model. It’s just three of us, and we support each other in every area.

What advice do you have for someone that wants to go into your kind of business?

It is a bit capital intensive, and again, fashion is not a very easy business, really. It’s not straightforward, because fashion comes and goes very quickly. So, you have to have eyes for good designs. There are so many things in the market. If you love quality, then you have to have good money, because you have to spend good money to buy good products. If you really love fashion, I think it is a good business to do. We have a poor customer service in Nigeria. Hence, if you really want to go into this business, you need to learn how to be nice to people who come into your shop, because you never know who will spend millions or N2 in your shop. And it is a business that will continue to thrive.

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