2 Aug 2013

Nigeria at the Verge of turning-point, end of Misrule – APC Canada

First and foremost, we members of ACN now APC Canada Chapter wish to congratulate all the Interim Council Member of the newly registered APC, the National Executive Members of ACN, all ACN Governors, all the Executive Members of the constituent political parties, all the members of the merger team and all progressive Nigerians on the registration of the All Progressives Congress (APC) as a political party! The news was received with pomp in the early hours of Wednesday July 31st 2013 by all our members here in Canada. With this registration behind us, the attention now shifts to the next level with no time to rest on our oars! Let all the doubting Thomases know that APC is for real! APC stands for Action, Probity and Concretization. The eventual registration of APC has put paid to the fact that when people are united by a common purpose, they can achieve whatever they set out to achieve and that nothing can stop them, the same spirit will now be taken to the next level, and the pessimists will be put to eternal shame.

This is the beginning of the end of misrule in Nigeria, this will mark the extinction of the culture of impunity in the body politic, Nigerians will survive and get over the culture of insolence, indolence and squalor perpetrated by the ruling PDP. APC will be the new face of politics in Nigeria; APC is the antidote of our political ailment that has beset us for so long under the rudderless central government ever since and now personified by the ruling PDP. We congratulate all those that are part of this historic alliance; history will inherit all the names associated with this political breakthrough!

We the members of APC Canada chapter are very proud of our leaders at home for getting their hands soiled, their feet dirty, struggling day and night to make the registration a reality. You are all on the right side of History, posterity will inherit your names and the generation yet unborn will pronounce that you have not stood aloof when your country needs you, and that you have done your bit for the ascent of Nigeria! We will stand by you and contribute our quota in the realization of greater Nigeria. We urge all the good people of Nigeria, indeed all the masses to support this new initiative to rid Nigeria of all the viruses and all the ailments that have eaten deep into our fabrics by using the platform created by APC to bring life to all aspects of Nigerian being! APC is the proverbial “Destiny Child” that will bring the dawn of new era in Nigerian politics. The stake is too high to ignore, we must all join the moving train now!

Once again; Congratulation to all compatriots; the quest for new Nigeria is a task that must be accomplished not minding whose ox is gored!


Yemi Adegbite Bola Ajimotokan.

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