3 Aug 2013

Lagos declares next action Wednesday over Al-Mustapha release.

Three weeks after the Court of Appeal sitting in Lagos declared the ex-Chief Security Officers to General Sani Abacha, Major Hamza Al-Mustapha, innocent of complicity in Kudirat Abiola’s murder, the Lagos State government yesterday said that it would make its decision on the next line of action known on Wednesday.

Lagos State government is responsible for the prosecution of Al-Mustapha over the murder of Kudirat Abiola. Following the discharging and acquital of Al-Mustapha by the Appeal Court over the murder of Kudirat Abiola, Lagos State government had promised to make its next line of action known after it must have studied the verdict of the Appeal Court.

Only last week, Lagos State government declared that it had just got a copy of the report of the court and was going to study it to know the next line of action.

The government said it would be very critical about the report and would take the next line of action based on its appraisal. But in a press briefing invitation, the government said it would make its next line of action known on Wednesday.

The invitation reads in part: “The Monthly Press Briefing of the Ministry for the Month of August 2013 comes up on Wednesday August 7, 2013 at the conference room of the Ministry at 9am.

“The briefing will focus on Al-Mustapha, removal of miscreant and beggars from Lagos streets, DPP’s Advice and Awaiting Trials in prison custody, Supreme Court rulings on hotel licensing law, amongst others.

Source: National Mirror

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