28 Jul 2013

News: Visafone job offer

Dear ABBspot Readers, why search all job websites on the internet for job offers, when you can get it in just less than a minute. Do you know that the biggest CDMA provider in Nigeria 'VISAFONE' has made it easy to get a job from any reputable organisations and firms in Nigeria. ABBspot Blog has been using this platform to provide you with 3 job listing everyday, you too can do it.

Get your dream job, by just sending a text to Visafone and you will get 3 job listing daily for 2 weeks.

How can this be done, by just sending a text 'Job' to 38051 at N50 for 2 weeks and you will get 3 juicy job offers from Visafone, this is what Amadi Bethel's Blog uses, its easy and convenient.

TEXT 'JOB' TO 38051

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