31 Jul 2013

Meet woman who drinks 5 botttles of wine everyday and where it landed her

The recommended maximum intake of alcohol for women is between two and three units a day, and no more than 14 units a week.

So it is little wonder that Patricia Murphy - who drank up to 350 units every week for 25 years - eventually ended up in hospital on a life support machine with cirrhosis of the liver, or that she is now waiting to be told if she'll need a liver transplant.

Patricia, 45, lives in Chessington, Surrey, and has been sober for seven months. Feeling lucky to still be alive, the former sales assistant now wishes to tell her story, hoping to warn other women about the dangers of alcohol, the legal substance which ruined her life.

Patricia began drinking when she was 17, after leaving school to train as a sales assistant.

Naturally shy, drinking made her feel confident among her peers, and soon she was drinking 10 double brandy and Cokes at the weekends.

When she started working in computer sales she was drinking alcohol every night with colleagues- sometimes up to a litre of brandy.

Aged 28, both her parents died within five months of each other, and alcohol became something with which she could numb her grief.

Source: Daily Mail

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