10 Jul 2013

Sport: 2013 Microsoft Imagine Cup: Hands-on judging process begins

As the international community awaits winners for the 2013 Microsoft Imagine Cup, about thirty international judges yesterday at the ongoing competition, the world’s premier student technology competition in St. Petersburg Russia engaged no fewer than 87 finalist teams in hands-on judging process.

For one thing, the judging process which was engaging enabled the students to do a life demo about their innovative solutions to the judges.

However, the hands-on judging process gave the judges more insights and details about the student’s solutions that are expected to change the world if fully deployed in their different countries.

Accordingly, the hands-on judging also enabled the judges to ask questions, clarifications about the student’s amazing projects ahead of community showcase taking place today (Thursday) In addition, it also served as a note taking and score card for the student’s innovative projects ranging from games, innovation, world citizenship,  Windows  Azure, Windows 8 among others.

It would be recalled that every Team had presented their solutions to the judges on Tuesday which also served as a score  card  ahead of final results that will be announced at the award ceremony at Alexandrinsky Theater, St. Petersburg, Russia on Thursday this week.

One major thing that is different in this year judging process, according to Rob Miles, Imagine Cup Competition Captain is that there is only one round unlike previous years that have round one to two  rounds ahead of the result.
“The students have amazing technologies. The students keep on coming  new ideas that will make the world a better place.  This year, we want to keep the students at their booth where the judges will get feedbacks from interacting with them.
“The world will be a lot better if the solutions here are put to work. What they will do in the next 5 years will make the world a better.

For Matt Smith, British Actor in a press conference yesterday told Journalists that, “Every year is better. There are more technical solution using embedded sensor to measure result. Building more hard to solve problems. The students should keep going.

They will do great for the next 40 years. This is the just the beginning” he told Vanguard H-Tech in interaction shortly after the hand-on judging process.

“I was excited by  what the  Ugandan team did. They have a solution that can identify malaria using mobile phone. I was amazed seeing their solution during the showcase.
The world will be an exciting place if all the ideas are put to work. It is a good starting point for the students.

For the students, it was an interactive experience. “We had the opportunity to talk to the judge’s one on one freely. We had the opportunity to explain more on the functionally and economic viability of solutions which will save more lives in our country especially.  It was a good exposure for in the team. We will take our solution to the next level” the Nigerian team leader, Oluwole Michael told  Vanguard Hi-Tech after the  hands-on judging process.

For the mentors, it was amazing experience.  “Africa can do it. Africa has good brains. We can develop the continent with the solutions showcased here with African teams. This is a good beginning for Africa” Josiah Kavuma, Team Mentor for the Ugandan said.

Meanwhile, in order to guard the fairness and integrity of the competitions at the Worldwide Finals in St. Petersburg, Microsoft offered the same set of benefits, services, and rules for each team within each competition.

Taking a critical look, the showcase at the worldwide finals serves a few different purposes including giving each team a common work area where they can meet, practice, and prepare.

It also helped the students meet and see the solutions that other students from around the world presented.

Additionally, it also gave an opportunity for guests, including press and VIPs to walk through and see the tremendous work the students have done on their solution.

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