19 Jul 2013

Divine intervention

No matter how bad your case may be, it can still be changed for good. Everything that has a beginning surely has an end.

The only thing that has no beginning and an end is God Himself. This is why He is called the unchangeable changer. I see Him intervening in your situation in the name of Jesus. You will laugh again. God is not through with you just yet. He is working things out for your good.

I declare to you that by the mighty power of God, all your enemies will be put to shame. With your eyes will you behold the reward of the wicked?  Pharoah said who is the Lord that I should let the children of Israel go, so that they can worship Him (Exo. 5:2)? Pharaoh thought he had all power and that he was the all and all. He had no respect for God who created him. He forgot that the creature can never be greater than the Creator. He was so full of confidence that no one can free the isrealites from his domain. This year, your mockers and enemies will congratulate you in Jesus name.

Beloved, refuse to fret about that situation. The devil cannot defeat you forever. Something in you that they do not know that exist in you will spring forth this year. The God of heaven and earth will intervene on your behalf. The God who makes all things beautiful in His time will beautify your life. He is working in your favour and all the pharaohs working against your glorious destiny shall be disgraced. Sometimes God will wait until when the devil says there is no way of escape and then He (God) shows up to deliver you because He is the way. This God that said He will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the deserts will make a way for you. Fear not, God knows how to turn things around.

Imagine pharaoh saying who is God? Thank God that God revealed Himself to pharaoh. Everything in your life that is asking who is God shall experience the awesomeness of Jehovah God Almighty. Just as God disgraced pharaoh openly, so shall God deal with your enemies? Know that all power belongs to Him. Psalms 66:3, says, “Say unto God, How terrible art thou in thy works! Through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee”. There is no power that can contend with the power of the one who created the heavens and the earth.

Pharaoh thought there was no power greater than his power. Today we know better. This is why I say to you that anyone that has tied up your destiny will be destroyed by the power of the Almighty. You will have the last laugh those who told blind Bartimeaus to shut up were the same people that came to tell him be of good cheer. God will surprise you this year. God will supernaturally intervene for you. In your office, marriage, family, career etc where things are contrary to the will of God for you, the mercies of God will bring about a glorious change for you. Know for a surety that God will never forget nor forsake you. You are still in His plans and your end shall be glorious.

I want you to rejoice and again I say rejoice. In Luke chapter 5, Peter went to catch fish and caught nothing. At the close of business he met with Jesus who requested to use Peter’s boat. Peter obliged Him. When Jesus was through with the boat He intervened in Peter’s business and Peter experienced the kind of miracles that he has never experienced before. You see, when God intervenes in your life, the past shame, sorrow, pain, humiliation, etc will be nothing. Whatever you may have experienced last year is nothing compared to what God have in store for you this year. Yhere will be exceeding great joy in your life never experienced before. It will amaze mankind. Get ready, this God that turns around hopeless situations around is saying to you today that He will divinely intervene and your years of tears of pain will turn to tears of joy. Please know that this is but nothing to God.

Before we end today’s message, I would like to draw your attention to two (2) things. One (1), the children of Isreal cried (prayed)out to God for divine intervention. Stop being dignified and humble yourself before God and He will raise you up. Secondly, Peter gave Jesus his boat to use to minister to the people. What are you willing to give to God? Give Him ur house for house fellowship, sponsor a programme in the church, sow into the life of your pastor.  Apply these principles and you will encounter God’s divine intervention. Know that God is not a respecter of persons. What He did yesterday, He can do today and much more.

Have you given your life to Jesus? If not, please pray this prayer. Father, I come to you as I am. I invite Jesus into my life to be my personal Lord and Saviour. Wash me cleanse with the blood of Jesus and empower me with the power of your Holy Spirit. Thank you Father for saving my soul and making me your child.

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