19 Jul 2013

Gossip: Three siblings kill 31-year-old brother after a brawl

Police in Kaloleni are in pursuit of siblings who murdered their brother after a heated argument in Kasidi Village in Rabai, Kilifi County.

The deceased, 31-year-old Mohammed Mumba Pekeshe, was hit severally on his body including the head which has several cuts using crude weapons. The brothers escaped after they realized they had murdered him.

According to Kaloleni OCPD David Kerina, Mumba had a misunderstanding with his three brothers and out of anger, the three brothers ascended on Mumba with crude weapon and beat him to death.

“Police are looking for three brothers who escaped after mercilessly killing their brother using crude weapons following a domestic misunderstanding. When police went to the scene at Kasidi village in Rabai district, they found the body of the deceased with marks all over his body,” said Kerina.

He added that their uncle had left them in the house when he went the shamba and an argument ensued thereafter.

 “When police reached the scene, the uncle Jumapili Pekeshe who was staying with the siblings explained that he was called by neighbors informing him that the boys were fighting but when he came, he just found the lifeless body of Mumba while the other three had escaped,” he added.

Kerina said police were positive that they will get hold of the suspects since they were known by the villagers and asked the villagers to report to police in case they came across one of the suspects.

“The men have been staying with the uncle since they were orphaned and so Pekeshe had been taking care of them but wondered why they had to fight and kill their brother,” he said.

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