19 Jul 2013

Gossip: Archaeologists unearth King David's palace

Archaeologists have unearthed a palace in what they believe is the fortified Judean city of Shaarayim, where the Bible states King David battled the giant Goliath.

According to Daily Mail, the discovery of what is thought to be King David's palace, measuring 1,000 square metres, was made by Hebrew University and the Israel Antiquities Authority.
Over the past seven years the teams have also uncovered a huge storehouse containing pots and artefacts that they believe proves the existence of a ruler in Judah in the tenth century BCE.

'The ruins are the best example to date of the uncovered fortress city of King David,' professors Yossi Garfinkel and Saar Ganor of Hebrew University said.

'This is indisputable proof of the existence of a central authority in Judah during the time of King David.'

The professors said that the ruins are the two largest known buildings to have existed at the time of King David in Jerusalem.

They added: 'The southern part of a large palace that extended across an area of about 1,000 square meters was revealed at the top of the city.

'The wall enclosing the palace is about 30 metres long and an impressive entrance is fixed through which one descended to the southern gate of the city, opposite the Valley of Elah.

'Around the palace’s perimeter were rooms in which various installations were found -- evidence of a metal industry, special pottery vessels and fragments of alabaster vessels that were imported from Egypt.'

The archaeologists collected hundreds of artefacts at the site, including religious objects, seals, pottery and tools typical of the time.

The palace is at the centre of the site and is higher than the houses lower in the city.

The royal occupants would have had an excellent view of the land, stretching from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the Hebron Mountains and Jerusalem in the east.

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