2 Aug 2013

Wife Saves Suicidal Husband By Holding Onto His Boxer Shorts Off 6-storey building

A suicidal husband was saved after trying to leap from his bedroom window — when his wife grabbed him by his boxer shorts. Witnesses say Ling Su clung on single handed for 20 minutes before police and firefighters arrived. He was dangling from a six-storey apartment in Changchun, Jilin province, northern China.

‘CHINESEWe heard a shout and screaming and there he was dangling from the window with his wife hanging onto his pants,’ said one passer-by. ‘She got a stronger hold on his leg and screamed for help.

Wife Saves Suicidal Husband From Killing Himself By Holding Onto His Boxer Shorts

‘We tried to get in to help her but the apartment was locked and we couldn’t break down the door,’ the eyewitnesses added.
CHINESENeighbours peered through windows to get a better look at the spectacle.

Rescuers managed to pull 45-year-old Wang Li to safety, who is understood to have been depressed about lack of work.

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