6 Aug 2013

Wednesday May Be Eid-el-fitri -sultan of Sokoto

The Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia will meet on Tuesday evening, Ramadan 28, to hear people who might see the birth of the Shawal moon.

This means that Ramadan will end in 28 days which should not be the case.

Lunar months are either 29 or 30 days based on the birth of the moon on the sunset of the last day of the month.

But Ramadan consisting of 28 days is not unique in the recent history of Muslims as it happened 30 years ago.

The supreme cleric authority in Saudi Arabia admitted that the start of Ramadan of the year 1404 (1984 in the Gregorian calendar) was not correct.

It said the end of Ramadan has to be watched on the eve of the 28th day instead of the regular watch of the moon on 29th of the month.

The majority of Muslims who were fasting that year, including this writer, could not believe that Eid could be announced on Ramadan 29.

Some went to bed after having early suhour to catch up on early morning work; some decided to stay up late to have Suhour.

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