24 Jul 2013

News: Underage Marriage: The Nigerian Senate in Reverse Gear! BY ACN Canada

The news of the most obnoxious and retrogressive bill of 21st century passed by the Nigerian Senate came as a rude shock not only to Nigerians but every right thinking people of the civilized world! The ACN Canada Chapter rejects this development vehemently and condemns it in the strongest terms. Of all the myriad of problems facing Nigeria, legislation about underage marriage is the least of what Nigerians expect from their senators. By circumventing Section 29 (4a and 4b) of the Nigerian Constitution, which declares that a woman shall not be qualified for marriage until she is 18 years of age, these 35 pervert senators have declared war on young girls in Nigeria, they deserve to be condemned to prison for this sacrilegious act.

The bill at the centre of attention is not about progress for Nigeria, it does not address the issue of youth’s unemployment, is not about improving standards of education in the country, not even about revamping our hospitals, and eclectic power supply, it is about harvesting young underage girls and giving them away to pedophiles. This bill takes Nigeria back to the Stone Age and makes us a laughing stock of the entire world again. If the current Minister of education Professor Ruqayyah Ahmed Rufa’i had gotten married at age 12 or 13, she will not be the minister of education today or if our very own Chairperson of the House Committee on Diaspora Affair Mrs. Abike Dabiri Erewa married at the age of 13 she will not be where she is today. This is a disgrace to the entire nation, and an insult to womanhood!

The ACN Canada Chapter urge all Nigerians to reject this bill in its entirety as well as the sponsors of such a ludicrous bill, they do not deserve seat in the Upper Chamber. The question people should ask them is in whose interest is this bill? How does this bill translate to a better life for Nigerians? This is a pointer to where PDP will lead Nigeria and that is why the masses must reject PDP come 2015. APC is the party that will lead Nigeria out of the woods and bondage that PDP has unleashed on the Nigerian populace. The people need to speak clear and loud by rejecting the shameless senators and their godfathers come next general elections in Nigeria.

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