11 Jul 2013

Read and say the truth, can you do it, i need your comment?

A paralysed man who raised £20,000 to help him walk again has sacrificed his dream - and given all of the money to help a disabled child take his first unaided steps.

Generous Dan Black, 25, was left wheelchair-bound following a horrific cycling accident in 2009.

He and his family have spent the last four years fundraising to pay for pioneering stem cell treatment that could help him walk again.

But Mr Black has now given up his hope of getting back on his feet after he read about the plight of five-year-old Brecon Vaughan.

Brecon was born with rare spastic diplegia cerebral palsy which causes stiffness in his legs, poor balance and coordination.
He uses a walking frame to get about and his family need £60,000 for an operation in America to help him walk unaided for the first time.

They have now been given a massive boost after Mr Black sacrificed his dream - and gave them the £20,000 generous locals had given to help him.

Mr Black, of Llanvair Discoed near Chepstow, Monmouthshire, said he helped Brecon because he had a better chance of walking than he does.

He said: ‘I know for me that things aren't going to get better any time soon. I just wanted to do something that could help someone whose life could get better.

Brecon can definitely walk, if he has the surgery. I wouldn't wish being paralysed on anyone, so if I can help someone walk, I will.

‘While there is hope for Brecon, I will do everything I can, because I don't want to see a young boy suffer.

‘I'm incredibly grateful to everyone who has helped me out but this boy needs it more than I do at the moment.

‘It would make me very happy to see the difference made to Brecon's life. I just hope when I give the money it encourages others too.’

Mr Black requires round-the-clock care after being paralysed when he was knocked off his bike by a car as he pedalled to work in 2009.

He broke his C5 vertebrae which left him paralysed from the chest down but he suffered a stroke as he recovered in hospital which denied him use of his right arm.

Mr Black’s 24-hour care costs £180,000-a-year and he had been raising money for stem cell treatment.
The treatment is currently in development and while there has been progress in Chinese trials, it would be at least five years before it could help him.

His proud mother, Michaela, said: ‘Daniel's standard of life is horrendous - after his accident and stroke, he is paralysed from the chest down, but can only use his left arm.

‘His right arm just hangs useless. It's heart-warming what Daniel has done. It's crazy that that young lad Brecon could be able to walk, if he had the money.

‘Daniel can't walk, not right now, and he accepts that. That little boy needs to be out playing football with his friends in the sunshine, not at home asking his mummy why he can't. I'm so proud of Daniel.’

Little Brecon was placed in a pelvic harness at just five-days-old after he was born with both hips dislocated.

The brave tot wore that pelvic harness for four months and then had three operations by the time he was just 13-months-old.
More than 1,900 children have already had the pioneering procedure that could help him walk unaided.

Mr Black's mother, Michaela, said: 'That little boy needs to be out playing football with his friends in the sunshine, not at home asking his mummy why he can't. I'm so proud of Daniel'

Mr Black's mother, Michaela, said: 'That little boy needs to be out playing football with his friends in the sunshine, not at home asking his mummy why he can't. I'm so proud of Daniel'

The procedure, called selective dorsal rhizotomy, is only performed by a surgeon at St Louis Children's Hospital, in Missouri, U.S.

The family, from nearby Mathern, Chepstow, are desperately trying to find £60,000 to cover surgery costs and the month-long spell in hospital little Brecon will need.

His mother, Ann Drewery, 44, described Dan's £20,000 gift as 'phenomenal'.

The family had already raised just over £11,000 - meaning they are now over half way to their £60,000 target.

Ms Drewery, who is Brecon's full-time carer, said: #What Dan has done is brilliant. It is a phenomenal gift. So many people have helped Brecon and we are grateful to them all.

'I remember hearing about Dan's accident at the time and he obviously understands the frustrations our son has.

'Brecon is getting more and more frustrated and he can't keep up with his friends now. It takes him twenty minutes to put his socks on.
'He can't access all the things his friends do and as he gets older it's getting more and more frustrating for him. He is now aware of what he can't do rather than what he can.

'If we can get the treatment he needs it will be a long road and he will have to learn to use his muscles again.'

Brecon's father, Rob Vaughan, 44, added: 'Dan has given us a phenomenal amount of money. I don't think it is even possible to say how grateful we are, or to put into words what it means.

'Brecon's condition means his bones have grown but his muscles have grown at a slower rate, which is causing all the restrictions in his movement.

'Dan has taken us well over half way to our target. It is incredible. How do you even start saying thank you for something like that?'

Last year, Mr Black sued the motorist who hit him while he was cycling. The parties ended up settling an undisclosed sum out of court.

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