6 Jul 2013

Gossip: Two of three missing Germans found in Syria

Two people of German nationality who were reported missing in Syria are currently on their way to Germany," a foreign ministry spokesman told AFP.

He did not wish to confirm their identity, or that they had been kidnapped,
but said "they are doing well."

"The crisis cell is working hard to clear up the disappearance of another German citizen reported missing in Syria," he added.

The aid group Grüenhelme announced last week that three of its members had been "kidnapped" on the night of May 14, in the village of Harem near the Turkish border.

The three staff were identified as Bernd Blechschmidt, Simon S. and Ziad Nouri.

NGO vice-president Aiman Mazyek expressed his relief on Twitter, saying "Bernd and Simon are free".

Grüenhelme (Green Helmets) has been in northern Syria for several months to help the reconstruction of local infrastructures and to provide healthcare.

In 27 months, more than 100,000 people have died in the Syrian conflict, which morphed from a popular movement for change into an insurgency after the regime unleashed a brutal crackdown on dissent.
AFP (news@thelocal.de)

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